The direct sales and network marketing industry has always gotten a bad rap mostly because those who have attempted to make money, have failed. But that has not been because of the company and products… it's largely because most people are not cut out to be entrepreneurs. They allow fears and poor relationships with money get in the way of their success, and it's easier for people to cry scam than to point their finger at themselves and admit they are not cut out for entrepreneurship and admit self failure.
Well, today I came across this video and was super excited to share it with you.
This is more validation for the naysayers that the network marketing industry IS the place to be and a good business decision for those who truly seek a more financial and time freedom lifestyle.
In reality, there really is no plan B… Each individual has to become self reliant and develop the skills and put away fears in order to receieve financially stable results for their families. This is the only safe model developing in this time in history. Network marketing and direct sales is the new Plan A with no Plan B in sight.
For years many influential people have given two thumbs up for the direct sales industry…. President Clinton, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and now.....
1. Major companies investing – because this means there is money to be made!
2. Corporate results reported to stock markets – because they aren’t false
3. Credible financial reporters – because companies know that lying to them is dangerous, and they do their research!
2. Corporate results reported to stock markets – because they aren’t false
3. Credible financial reporters – because companies know that lying to them is dangerous, and they do their research!
Jim Cramer may be an obnoxious jerk, but he is an obnoxious jerk who knows his stuff. All you have to do to see that direct sales can be profitable is to look at your sink counter or in your purse. Three of the items in my purse were purchased from a direct sales representative of a cosmetics company. If you offer people a product that will help them or save them money, they’ll definitely buy.